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Packages of your choice

Ведение кадрового администрирования

Maintaining staff administration

  • BPO Kazakhstan's HR administration specialists provide for the processing of HR events such as:
  • Maintaining staff administration on a regular basis provides the company with:
Кадровый аудит

Human resources audit

  • It is advisable for a company to carry out a human resources audit in the following cases:
  • An audit of human resources records will give the company's management an insight into the real state of human resources records, namely:
  • As a result of an HR audit conducted by BPO Kazakhstan, you will receive an independent expert opinion - a report that contains:
Постановка кадров с нуля

Setting up staff from scratch

  • Staff accounting service by BPO Kazakhstan specialists includes:
  • BPO Kazakhstan's service for setting up staff from scratch allows the company to:

Our advantages

Compliance with requirements and international standards

Availability of a certified management system and accreditation ISO 27001 and ISO 9001.

High level of security

High level of data transmission, processing and storage security (SAAS, SFTP)


Financial guarantees

Financial guarantees for the quality of services provided are insured to the value of KZT 100 million with a leading insurance company.

Certified employees

Certified service delivery staff with an average of 7 years' experience

Best practices

We can apply best practices in analysing and optimising business processes.