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Calendar of taxes and payments 2022

07-06-2022 2314
Календарь налогов и платежей 2024


Tax reporting dates and payments to the budget in 2022


5 January
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


January 17
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for November 2021


January 20th
Tax reporting:
— form 101.01 – calculation of the amounts of advance payments for CIT before the submission of the CIT declaration for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 320.00 – declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for December 2021
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


The 25th of January
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— CIT at the source of payments


February 7
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


February, 15
Tax reporting:
— form 101.03 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 200.00 – PIT and social tax declaration for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 300.00 – VAT return for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for December 2021
— form 570.00 – export tax return for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 590.00 – mineral extraction tax return for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 701.01 – calculation of current payments for land tax and property tax for 2022
— Form 710.00 – Gambling tax return and flat tax for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 860.00 - declaration on payment for the use of surface water resources for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 910.00 – simplified declaration for the 2nd half of 2021


February 21
Tax reporting:
— form 851.00 – calculation of current payments for the use of land plots for 2022
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes on the form 328.00 for January 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


25 February
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— Rent tax on export
— Mineral extraction tax
— Payment for the use of surface water resources
— CIT at the source of payments
— Value Added Tax (VAT)
— Taxes and payments under the simplified declaration for the 2nd half of 2021
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Current payment of land tax and property tax
— Current payment on payment for the use of land plots
— Gambling business tax
— Current payment for emissions into the environment


the 5th of March
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


March 15th
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for January 2022


March 24
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for February 2022
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment up to 100 MCI for 2021
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU
— Redemption of the limit on payment for emissions into the environment up to 100 MCI


March, 25
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— Payment for the use of radio frequency spectra
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communications, as well as cellular communications
— Payment for the use of licenses to engage in certain types of activities
— CIT at the source of payments


March 31
Tax reporting:
— form 100.00, 110.00, 150.00, 180.00 – CIT declaration for 2021
— form 101.04 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments on accrued but unpaid amounts of income of a non-resident for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 220.00, 240.00 – tax return for 2021
— form 540.00 – excess profit tax return for 2021
— form 700.00 – declaration for land tax, property tax and vehicle tax for 2021
— form 871.00 - register of lease (use) agreements
— Form 912.00 - Declaration under the special tax regime with a fixed deduction for 2021
— form 920.


April 1
— Payment of tax on vehicles of individuals for 2021


April 5
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


April 11
— Final settlement of IIT / CIT, land tax, property tax, vehicle tax according to the declaration for 2021
— Unified land tax for the period from October 1 to December 31, 2021
— Taxes under the special tax regime with the use of a fixed deduction
— CIT at the source of payments on accrued but unpaid amounts of income of a non-resident for the 4th quarter of 2021
— Tax on excess profits
April 15
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for February 2022


20 April
Tax reporting:
— form 101.02 – calculation of the amounts of advance payments for CIT after the submission of the declaration for the 2-4 quarter of 2022
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for March 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


25th of April
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising


5 May
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


16th of May
Tax reporting:
— form 101.03, 101.04 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 200.00 – PIT and social tax declaration for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 300.00 – VAT return for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for March 2022
— form 570.00 – export tax return for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 590.00 – mineral extraction tax return for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 710.00 – gambling tax return and flat tax for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 860.00 - declaration on payment for the use of surface water resources for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 1st quarter of 2022


May 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration of indirect taxes on imported goods + application for the importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for April 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


May 25
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Value Added Tax (VAT)
— Rent tax on export
— Mineral extraction tax
— Payment for the use of surface water resources
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Current payment of land tax and property tax
— Current payment on payment for the use of land plots
— Current payment of fees for emissions into the environment
— Gambling business tax
— Retail tax under the special tax regime


June 6
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


June 15
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for April 2022


June 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + application for the importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for May 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


27th of June
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the use of radio frequency spectra
— Payment for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communications, as well as cellular communications
— Payment for the use of licenses to engage in certain types of activities


5'th of July
Tax reporting:
— form 701.00 – calculation of current vehicle tax payments for 2022
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice
— Current vehicle tax payment


July 15
Tax reporting:
— form 250.00 - declaration of assets and liabilities on paper
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for May 2022


July 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for June 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


July 25
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising


5th of August
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


August 15
Tax reporting:
— form 101.03, 101.04 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 200.00 – PIT and social tax declaration for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 300.00 – VAT return for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for June 2022
— form 570.00 – export tax return for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 590.00 – mineral extraction tax return for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 710.00 – gambling tax return and flat tax for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 860.00 - declaration on payment for the use of surface water resources for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 910.00 - simplified declaration for the 1st half of 2022


August 22
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for July 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


25-th of August
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— Taxes on a simplified declaration for the 1st half of 2022
— Value Added Tax (VAT)
— CIT at the source of payments
— Mineral extraction tax
— Rent tax on export
— Current payment of land tax and property tax
— Current payment on payment for the use of land plots
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the use of surface water resources
— Current payment of fees for emissions into the environment
— Gambling business tax
— Retail tax under the special tax regime


September 5
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


September 15th
Tax reporting:
— form 250.00 - declaration of assets and liabilities on paper
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for July 2022


September 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for August 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


September 26
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the use of radio frequency spectra
— Payment for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communications, as well as cellular communications
— Payment for the use of licenses to engage in certain types of activities


October 3
— Payment of the combined tax on the property of individuals


October 5
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


17 October
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for August st 2022


The 20th of October
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for September 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


the 25th of October
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising


November 7
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


10th of November
— Payment of the unified land tax for the period from January 1 to October 1, 2022


15th of November
Tax reporting:
— form 101.03, 101.04 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 200.00 – PIT and social tax declaration for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 300.00 – VAT return for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for September 2022
— form 570.00 – export tax return for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 590.00 – mineral extraction tax return for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 710.00 – gambling tax return and flat tax for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 860.00 - declaration on payment for the use of surface water resources for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 3rd quarter of 2022


November 21
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for October 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


November 25
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Value Added Tax (VAT)
— Rent tax on export
— Mineral extraction tax
— Current payment of land tax and property tax
— Current payment on payment for the use of land plots
— Gambling business tax
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Current payment of fees for emissions into the environment
— Payment for the use of surface water resources
— Retail tax under the special tax regime


5th of December
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


December 15
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for October 2022


December 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for November 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


December 26
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the use of radio frequency spectra
— Payment for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communications, as well as cellular communications
— Payment for the use of licenses to engage in certain types of activities


Dec. 31
Tax reporting:
— form 101.02 — deadline for additional calculation of advance payments on CIT


Tax reporting dates and payments to the budget in 2022


5 January
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


January 17
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for November 2021


January 20th
Tax reporting:
— form 101.01 – calculation of the amounts of advance payments for CIT before the submission of the CIT declaration for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 320.00 – declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for December 2021
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


The 25th of January
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— CIT at the source of payments


February 7
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


February, 15
Tax reporting:
— form 101.03 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 200.00 – PIT and social tax declaration for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 300.00 – VAT return for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for December 2021
— form 570.00 – export tax return for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 590.00 – mineral extraction tax return for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 701.01 – calculation of current payments for land tax and property tax for 2022
— Form 710.00 – Gambling tax return and flat tax for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 860.00 - declaration on payment for the use of surface water resources for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 910.00 – simplified declaration for the 2nd half of 2021


February 21
Tax reporting:
— form 851.00 – calculation of current payments for the use of land plots for 2022
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes on the form 328.00 for January 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


25 February
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— Rent tax on export
— Mineral extraction tax
— Payment for the use of surface water resources
— CIT at the source of payments
— Value Added Tax (VAT)
— Taxes and payments under the simplified declaration for the 2nd half of 2021
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Current payment of land tax and property tax
— Current payment on payment for the use of land plots
— Gambling business tax
— Current payment for emissions into the environment


the 5th of March
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


March 15th
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for January 2022


March 24
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for February 2022
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment up to 100 MCI for 2021
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU
— Redemption of the limit on payment for emissions into the environment up to 100 MCI


March, 25
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— Payment for the use of radio frequency spectra
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communications, as well as cellular communications
— Payment for the use of licenses to engage in certain types of activities
— CIT at the source of payments


March 31
Tax reporting:
— form 100.00, 110.00, 150.00, 180.00 – CIT declaration for 2021
— form 101.04 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments on accrued but unpaid amounts of income of a non-resident for the 4th quarter of 2021
— form 220.00, 240.00 – tax return for 2021
— form 540.00 – excess profit tax return for 2021
— form 700.00 – declaration for land tax, property tax and vehicle tax for 2021
— form 871.00 - register of lease (use) agreements
— Form 912.00 - Declaration under the special tax regime with a fixed deduction for 2021
— form 920.


April 1
— Payment of tax on vehicles of individuals for 2021


April 5
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


April 11
— Final settlement of IIT / CIT, land tax, property tax, vehicle tax according to the declaration for 2021
— Unified land tax for the period from October 1 to December 31, 2021
— Taxes under the special tax regime with the use of a fixed deduction
— CIT at the source of payments on accrued but unpaid amounts of income of a non-resident for the 4th quarter of 2021
— Tax on excess profits
April 15
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for February 2022


20 April
Tax reporting:
— form 101.02 – calculation of the amounts of advance payments for CIT after the submission of the declaration for the 2-4 quarter of 2022
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for March 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


25th of April
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising


5 May
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


16th of May
Tax reporting:
— form 101.03, 101.04 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 200.00 – PIT and social tax declaration for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 300.00 – VAT return for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for March 2022
— form 570.00 – export tax return for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 590.00 – mineral extraction tax return for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 710.00 – gambling tax return and flat tax for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 860.00 - declaration on payment for the use of surface water resources for the 1st quarter of 2022
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 1st quarter of 2022


May 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration of indirect taxes on imported goods + application for the importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for April 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


May 25
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Value Added Tax (VAT)
— Rent tax on export
— Mineral extraction tax
— Payment for the use of surface water resources
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Current payment of land tax and property tax
— Current payment on payment for the use of land plots
— Current payment of fees for emissions into the environment
— Gambling business tax
— Retail tax under the special tax regime


June 6
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


June 15
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for April 2022


June 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + application for the importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for May 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


27th of June
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the use of radio frequency spectra
— Payment for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communications, as well as cellular communications
— Payment for the use of licenses to engage in certain types of activities


5'th of July
Tax reporting:
— form 701.00 – calculation of current vehicle tax payments for 2022
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice
— Current vehicle tax payment


July 15
Tax reporting:
— form 250.00 - declaration of assets and liabilities on paper
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for May 2022


July 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for June 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


July 25
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising


5th of August
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


August 15
Tax reporting:
— form 101.03, 101.04 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 200.00 – PIT and social tax declaration for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 300.00 – VAT return for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for June 2022
— form 570.00 – export tax return for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 590.00 – mineral extraction tax return for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 710.00 – gambling tax return and flat tax for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 860.00 - declaration on payment for the use of surface water resources for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 2nd quarter of 2022
— form 910.00 - simplified declaration for the 1st half of 2022


August 22
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for July 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


25-th of August
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— Taxes on a simplified declaration for the 1st half of 2022
— Value Added Tax (VAT)
— CIT at the source of payments
— Mineral extraction tax
— Rent tax on export
— Current payment of land tax and property tax
— Current payment on payment for the use of land plots
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the use of surface water resources
— Current payment of fees for emissions into the environment
— Gambling business tax
— Retail tax under the special tax regime


September 5
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


September 15th
Tax reporting:
— form 250.00 - declaration of assets and liabilities on paper
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for July 2022


September 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for August 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


September 26
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the use of radio frequency spectra
— Payment for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communications, as well as cellular communications
— Payment for the use of licenses to engage in certain types of activities


October 3
— Payment of the combined tax on the property of individuals


October 5
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


17 October
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for August st 2022


The 20th of October
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for September 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


the 25th of October
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising


November 7
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


10th of November
— Payment of the unified land tax for the period from January 1 to October 1, 2022


15th of November
Tax reporting:
— form 101.03, 101.04 — calculation of CIT at the source of payments for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 200.00 – PIT and social tax declaration for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 300.00 – VAT return for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural divisions in form 421.00 for September 2022
— form 570.00 – export tax return for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 590.00 – mineral extraction tax return for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 710.00 – gambling tax return and flat tax for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 860.00 - declaration on payment for the use of surface water resources for the 3rd quarter of 2022
— form 870.00 – declaration on payment for emissions into the environment for the 3rd quarter of 2022


November 21
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for October 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


November 25
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— Advance payments on CIT
— CIT at the source of payments
— Value Added Tax (VAT)
— Rent tax on export
— Mineral extraction tax
— Current payment of land tax and property tax
— Current payment on payment for the use of land plots
— Gambling business tax
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Current payment of fees for emissions into the environment
— Payment for the use of surface water resources
— Retail tax under the special tax regime


5th of December
— IPN of a person engaged in private practice


December 15
Tax reporting:
— form 400.00 – excise declaration + calculation for structural units in form 421.00 for October 2022


December 20
Tax reporting:
— form 320.00 - declaration on indirect taxes on imported goods + statement on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes on form 328.00 for November 2022
— Excise + excise for structural divisions
— Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within the EAEU


December 26
— PIT at the source of payments, social tax, social contributions, CPC, CPC, deductions for OSMS, CPC under GPC agreements
— CIT at the source of payments
— Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
— Payment for the use of radio frequency spectra
— Payment for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communications, as well as cellular communications
— Payment for the use of licenses to engage in certain types of activities


Dec. 31
Tax reporting:
— form 101.02 — deadline for additional calculation of advance payments on CIT

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  • Передача бухгалтерии на аутсорсинг. Пошаговое руководство
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  • Mandatory employer pension contributions

    1.5 %

  • Minimal Salary

    85 000 тг.

  • Monthly calculation index (2023)

    3 692 тг.

  • VAT


  • CIT


  • Individual Income Tax


  • Obligatory pension contributions


  • Mandatory lists of persons exempted from payment of deductions


  • Social Tax


  • Social Contributions


  • Contributions to the Compulsory Lists of Exempt Persons


  • Compulsory occupational pension contributions


  • Personal Income Tax Deduction

    14 МРП (51 688 тг.)

  • Personal Income Tax Deduction

    882 МРП (3 256 344 тг.)

  • Base salary

    17 697 тг.

  • Basic pension

    28 215 тг.

  • Minimum pension (2023)

    57 853 тг.

  • Living wage

    43 407 тг.

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